dna testing
what exactly is the dna testing?
CRS Nutrition offers nutrigenomic testing. This looks at how nutrients and lifestyle interventions interact with our genes, and how this interaction can influence gene expression.
how would this impact my health journey?
It can identify nutrient needs, offer personalised recommendations (both dietary and lifestyle) and identify any potential underlying factors impacting your goals.
what does the test involve?
The test is a simple, non-invasive mouth swab that is easy to do at home. Simply collect a sample of cheek cells using the swab and place the sample and stabilising capsule in the tube provided. The swab is returned with the signed consent form in a prepaid envelope (UK). For international returns, the client is responsible for arranging and paying for return.
which test is relevant for me?
This totally depends on your goals and what you want to delve into for more answers. Fertility problems will find the hormone package insightful whereas for weight-loss challenges, the metabolism package is more relevant. The discovery call will allow you to discuss your goals/symptoms with Cara, who will provide the most relevant package for you.

my dna packages

how it works
1. We have a discovery call & you pick your package
2. You fill in an online intake questionnaire
3. The test is sent direct to your home
4. You return the completed test to the lab (with the prepaid envelope)
5. We have a call or video session to discuss your personalised results 4-5 weeks later after receipt of the test kit. This session provides feedback and an action plan.